controlling witches
This place is run by residents and a company liaison. They are constantly mistreating residents they don't like on a regular basis. Theircomplaint system is ridiculous. Three write ups and u can be evicted. Petty jealousies rule the roost. You can get written up for walking barefooted, allowing your pet that u paid a deposit to even have, walking on the floors inside building, gossiping about the power trip residents, a man cannot take his trash to the garbage shoot shirtless, caregivers have to be pre approved, ur friends cannot bring their pet to visit, cannot wear louge wear outside ur apt no matter how modest they are. When they don't like u anymore,hence u stood up for itself, they find new rules to threaten u with, have regular council meetings against residents for these minute petty infractions. all positions of power go through the votin process that is controlled secretlyby the residents own agendas to keep control of anything. This is aniceplace but the co-op power residents make life difficult and demean,belitle and embarass those who get written up. The rent is for low income but I would rather pay more than continue to live here.