Terracina Villas

Broomfield, CO

Terracina Villas


13620 Via Varra Road
Broomfield, CO 80020
(303) 604-2200
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Horrible Staff and A lot of NOISE!!!

Living in this complex for the most part has been great, great amenities, spacious, and updated appliances. The biggest complaint however is the noise and the staff that does nothing about it. Being on the second floor some noise is going to happen and we were not naive to think that it wouldn't however; when you can hear both your upstairs neighbor, and your downstairs neighbor's animals barking/howling for hours on end you start to lose your patience. Especially when after numerous email complaints, the police called and the staff coming to "listen" to the noise you can see how the irritation would build when nothing has been done to fix the situation. Not only could the dogs be heard, but every single footstep, closed cabinet or gathering of people that occurred upstairs was heard, and not just your everyday heavy footedness after a stress filled day, not just the winding down around 5pm-6pm. Oh no, we got to hear their footsteps, their dog bouncing his toys off the floor, playing fetch in the apartment and the worst part about that, 95% of the apartment is carpet, the kitchen an the bathroom are the only areas with tile. This noise could go on anywhere from 1pm-1am or anytime in between. Now no one wants to be "that" neighbor and cause problems, or friction or even lead to violence in anyway, but when those who are their to make your experience within a complex do nothing to help it makes it really hard not to want to take matters into your own hands. I would suggest to anyone wanting to live at Terracina to either get one of the ground floor studio apartments or the top floor, otherwise all the great amenities, appliances and space will not make up for the lack of staff support, or the possibility of obnoxious neighbors who have no regard or respect for those around them!