Do Not Rent Here
The only issue for the longest time that I had with this apartment complex was the exorbitant electric bills. In the summer, it could reach as high as $360 per month for a two bedroom apartment. I have only had to deal with the management the past month, and they have been horrendous. Apparently, there was a sewage line back up, and they repeatedly had people out, but it was never fixed. I come home one night from work, and the sewage line had backed up all over the front of our courtyard. With multiple calls to emergency maintenance, we finally received a call back. The maintenance guy came out and tried flushing the pipe and the next day it was overflowing again. Again, nothing from the management company. After talking to them repeatedly about this issue, and them ignoring us, we decided to move out. Since, we decided to move out, they feel they no longer have to talk to us about this issue, and we should just deal with it. I do have picture evidence backing up this claim, and highly recommend you find somewhere else to call home, that will leave you with less stress.