Under New Management and It's Not A Good Thing
I was a happy renter here until there was an entire office staff turnover. Now, the place is quickly turning into a slum, in addition to the loss of the "family" feel that used to exist in the front office. The place floods regularly, both indoors and out, and only vague answers are given when questions are asked about how this recurring problem will be addressed. Maintenance requests are no longer responded to in a timely manner, if they are ever responded to at all. The lights around the now dirty and disgusting lake have been burned out for months. The pool is no longer sparkling and inviting, but is cloudy, full of gunk, and the filter is only turned on sporadically. The quarterly maintenance and the monthly bug spraying have evidently been discontinued also. What was once a warm, clean and inviting place to live is certainly on its way to losing all of its appeal.