Oaks Riverchase

Coppell, TX

Oaks Riverchase


777 Fairway Drive
Coppell, TX 75019
(972) 462-7696
Overall Rating
Met My Needs
Overall value
Service Quality
100% 1 out of 1 renters
recommend this apartment.

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Great Property+ Great Staff = A+ place to rent

We have lived on the property for just 7 months, but must say that it is a great place and we have no complaints.

Management and staff have always been professional when I've spoken to them. The property even has a courtesy officer (a real cop, not a security guard# that lives on the property. When I was walking one evening, I seen them #think there are two, man & women# checking the property. Both were nice and very professional when I said hi to them. We talked for a few before parting, they said if at anytime I had any safety concerns about the property don't hesitate to call. My neighbor said the people above her were having a party about 3am she called the courtesy offer and they were out to handle the complaint quickly #I wouldnt want to be awaken at 3am for nothing)

As another post mentioned there are alot of pigeons, but what can you do about that...nothing. Management can't put a net over the property....it's life and one has to deal with it.

Yes, I have noticed trash over flowing by the mailboxes, but the bins there are for "recycle" items and when I've seen it over flowed is when someone has thrown there reagular trash in there (there is a large trash dumpster 50ft ftom the mail center Duh, use it and the recycle bids won't be over flowing)

The property gounds are kept up nicely the gym is great. Yes, the basketball court is hot at times, but the thermosate is not covered/locked so it can be changed by anyone who comes in there.

Parking has not been a issue for us. You are issued (1) free carport space and there is other regular spots available. Yes, FREE carport spot (some apt properties charge for that) I guess if there are several cars from a single apt, or you have several guests comming over at the same time as someone else, it might cause a problem but I don't see one.

From the management, office staff, courtesy officers and maintenance personal. This place get's 5 stars overall from us.

To Oaks Properties LLC :
Don't change management, courtest officers or maintenance staff. Just fine tune when and where needed.