Homes of Parker Commons

Fort Worth, TX

Homes of Parker Commons


1015 South Jennings Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76104
(817) 870-1739
Overall Rating
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0% 0 out of 1 renters
recommend this apartment.

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Do not even consider moving here.

Do not move into this complex! The location coupled with the price seems ideal and we were very happy to find this place initially, but I am in the office to complain more than two times a week and I have to call the emergency maintenance line just as often.

When we first moved in, our apartment was infested with roaches. The management acted like they weren't aware of the roaches, but I do not understand how they couldn't have known! They were everywhere. We, as tenants, spent well over $50 to resolve the issue. I literally called the office crying and visited them four or five times begging them to help. I was starting to feel like they were everywhere, constantly looking for roaches everywhere. It was seriously driving me mad. The office told us that we'd have to wait a week for the exterminator to visit the property. After crying three nights in a row over it, I told the office that they had to do something immediately. They caved and sent someone to spray the following day.

After the roaches were gone weeks later, my roommates and I decided to start unpacking our kitchen. When we opened the cabinet doors, they were covered in roach dung spots and grime. It looked like nobody ever even wiped down the counters. We asked the office to send someone in to reclean because it had obviously never been done before. They sent someone the following day and when we looked at the cabinets again to unpack, the roach dung was still all over the cabinets. So, we went to the office and complained yet again. It took them another few days to get those cabinets free of roach dung. It's really not that hard to scrub off, so that length of time is ridiculous. None of that should've been there when we moved in, anyway.

Since we've been here, we've had to call the office at least once a week to resolve some kind of issue. First, there was a leak in my roommates bathroom. That was handled, but a few weeks later, the leak was back. My roommate called the emergency maintenance phone number and we were met with a guy we'd never seen before. He acted like we were totally putting him out for having him come in to do HIS job. He even yelled at my roommate when she told him that it was still leaking. He shouted so loud that it woke me up in my bedroom. It was completely unprofessional and rude and I"m honestly shocked that they allow him to treat tenants that way. That leak was NOT our fault and we didn't deserve that.

There seems to be a few maintenance guys on this property, but I feel like they're spread entirely too thin. Most of them are nice, but the guy that shouted at my roommate needs to be reprimanded somehow. Although, I doubt that will happen.

Any time I call the office and leave a message, I'm rarely called back. They either don't check them regularly or they just ignore the tenants.

When we moved in, our counter tops had clearly been used as cutting boards by our prior tenants. One of them even had a burn mark completely through to the bottom! I told the office that that needed to be replaced because I have never moved into a new apartment with burn marks like that in a counter top. That's something you replace to make the apartment ready for move it.

Right now, our refrigerator is leaking. This is the second time since our move in less than a month ago.

We still haven't even received our cards that allow us access to the gate. We just never got them! The office must've completely forgotten after they told us we'd get them in a few days.

One of the pips behind my washing machine leaked water all over the laundry room. The maintenance guy come out around 11pm and stopped the leak and mopped up the water, which was nice.

When we moved in, 1/3 of the lightbulbs were completely burnt out. Another few of them burnt out within the first week of us being here. Also, the carpet has black stains or spots all over the place. The carpet was never replaced.

This place was absolutely not ready for us to move in and we're treated nuisance every time we plea for help. We're shrugged off or told we'll receive a phone call and we're never called back. It's awful!

I am stressed out every day! Every single day! There's always something new that's wrong. I don't know what to do. I just left a message with the property owners and am waiting to hear back. We just want to leave because this place is a huge source of stress for all of us.