The Abbey at Briargrove Park

Houston, TX

The Abbey at Briargrove Park


1202 Seagler
Houston, TX 77042
(832) 384-4007
Overall Rating
Met My Needs
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100% 1 out of 1 renters
recommend this apartment.

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Great neighbors

I moved here 4 months ago. When I first moved in as I was throwing away boxes a neighbor grabbed a couple boxes from me to help me take them to the trash. Neighbors are always friendly like a real community. Last month I was leaving for work and noticed one of my neighbors car keys were in the door to the car. I knocked on the door of the neighbor's home and she said the keys had been there all night. That gave me a sense of peace to know i live i such a community where if you leave your car door unlock you feel it is o.k.